MacWorld 1999 March - Disc 1
Macworld (1999-03) (Disk 1).dmg
Games World
Shareware Games
MacChess 5.0 EN
Test Instructions
CCR Instructions⁄Results
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504 lines
Computer Chess Reports 1-Hour Test instructions:
* Set thinking level to Infinite (but see below)
* Turn off the opening book
* Turn off thinking on the opponent's time (Permanent Brain)
* Check the computer's solution at each of four time points:
- 15 seconds
- 30 seconds
- 60 seconds
- 120 seconds
Score 1 point whenever the computer's solution is correct
at a time point. There are 100 possible points
( 25 problems x 4 time points)
Estimated rating is:
Swedish/ELO: points x 10 + 1700
USCF : Swedish/ELO + 180
Note: For MacChess 2.5, the "problem test" feature can be used
to run the problems automatically. Use 2 min/problem.
Score for MacChess 2.5
This test suite was run on MacChess 2.5 on a
PowerMac 6100/66AV (66Mhz 601).
MacChess 2.5 RAM allocation - 6Mb
Connectix Speed Doubler was used.
Result: MacChess 2.5: 2150 Swedish/ELO (2330 USCF)
MacChess 2.0: 2130 Swedish/ELO (2310 USCF)
MacChess 1.0: 1980 Swedish/ELO (2160 USCF)
All efforts were made to optimize performance, including:
- all non-essential cdevs/inits were turned off
- MacChess was the only process running (even Finder was off)
- Graphics was set to minimum depth and resolution (B/W, 640x480)
15 sec
30 sec
60 sec
120 sec
1 - - - - 0
2 - - - - 0
3 - 1 1 1 3
4 - - - - 0
5 - 1 1 1 3
6 - - 1 1 2
7 - - - - 0
8 - - - - 0
9 - - - - 0
10 1 1 1 1 4
11 - - - - 0
12 1 1 1 1 4
13 1 1 1 1 4
14 1 1 1 1 4
15 - - - 1 1
16 - - - - 0
17 - - - 1 1
18 - - - - 0
19 - - - - 0
20 - 1 1 1 3
21 1 1 1 1 4
22 - - - - 0
23 1 1 1 1 4
24 1 1 1 1 4
25 1 1 1 1 4
Sum 8 11 12 14 45 x 10 = 450
+ 1700
2150 Swedish/ELO
+ 180
2330 USCF
Detailed Analysis Log for MacChess 2.5
Monday, June 17, 1996 6:53 PM
CCR 1 hr # 1 - 6 Qb3!
02/01|00:00:00| 119| +0| Nf3 Nc6
02/03|00:00:00| 405| +7| Bb5+ Nc6 Nf3
03/01|00:00:00| 3508| +3| Bb5+ Nbd7 Nf3 Rc8
03/03|00:00:00| 4032| +6| Nf3 e6 Bd3
04/01|00:00:00| 6860| +6| Nf3 Nc6 Bd3 Bg4
04/03|00:00:01| 13016| +8| Bb5+ Nc6 Nf3 e6 O-O
05/01|00:00:02| 34718| +4| Bb5+ Nbd7 Nf3 Rc8 O-O e6
05/03|00:00:02| 40146| +5| Nf3 Nc6 Bd2 Rc8 Rc1
06/01|00:00:05| 102253| +7| Nf3 Nc6 Bd3 Bg4 O-O Rc8
07/01|00:00:19| 383652| +5| Nf3 e6 Bd2 Bd6 Qb3 Qd7 O-O-O
08/01|00:01:00| 1249014| +5| Nf3 e6 Bd3 Bxd3 Qxd3 Bd6 Qb5+ Qd7 Qxd7+ Nbxd7 O-O
08/27|00:02:00| 2513453|n/s: 20945
move-gen:1215073 eval:868568 e/s:7238 ab-nodes:1188071
ab-move-gen:208681 tt-hits:63155 tt-cutoffs:37439 ab-bf:5.693
CCR 1 hr #2 - 6 ... Bc8!
02/01|00:00:00| 269| -5| Qd7 Nf3
03/01|00:00:00| 1025| +2| Qd7 Nf3 Nc6
04/01|00:00:00| 2840| -5| Qd7 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5
05/01|00:00:01| 18213| +1| Qd7 Bb5 Nc6 Bxc6 Qxc6 Nf3
06/01|00:00:03| 47631| -5| Qd7 Bb5 Nc6 Nf3 a6 Ne5
07/01|00:00:07| 139540| -8| Qd7 Bb5 Nc6 Nf3 Rc8 Ne5 Qe6 Nxc6 bxc6
08/01|00:00:41| 883294| -19| Qd7 Nf3 Be6 Ne5 Qc7 Bb5+ Nc6 Bxc6+ bxc6 O-O
08/25|00:02:00| 2488902|n/s: 20740
move-gen:1144838 eval:732469 e/s:6103 ab-nodes:1149052
ab-move-gen:220877 tt-hits:69589 tt-cutoffs:37969 ab-bf:5.202
CCR 1 hr #3 - 10 ... Nh6!
02/01|00:00:00| 524| +138| Ngxe5 Rc1
03/01|00:00:00| 2142| +138| Ngxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Rc1
04/01|00:00:00| 7916| +137| Ngxe5 Re1 Qe7 Rc1
05/01|00:00:02| 28607| +136| Ngxe5 Re1 Qd6 Nxe5 Nxe5 Ne4
06/01|00:00:05| 100096| +37| Ngxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Re1 f6 f4 b5 fxe5 bxc4 exf6+
07/01|00:00:15| 298708| -45| Ngxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Re1 f6 f4 b5 Bxb5+ c6 Bxc6+
07/05|00:00:24| 491205| -42| Nh6 Nb3 O-O Nbxd4 Nxd4 Nxd4 Nf5 Nf3
08/01|00:01:01| 1320007| -43| Nh6 Nb3 O-O Nbxd4 Nxd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 Nf5 Rad1 Nxd4 Rxd4
09/01|00:02:00| 2604272|n/s: 21702
move-gen:1140807 eval:798997 e/s:6658 ab-nodes:1122572
ab-move-gen:201466 tt-hits:89630 tt-cutoffs:58454 ab-bf:5.572
CCR 1 Hr #4 - 12 b4!
02/01|00:00:00| 231| +11| Rbc1 Bg4
03/01|00:00:00| 2398| +12| Rbc1 Bg4 Ne5
04/01|00:00:00| 9612| +7| Rbc1 Ne6 Bh4 Bd7
04/06|00:00:01| 16723| +8| Ne5 Ne6 Bh4 Bd7 Nxd7 Qxd7
05/01|00:00:03| 86427| +1| Ne5 Bd6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Nf3 Bg4
05/02|00:00:04| 95716| +9| Rfc1 Ne6 Bh4 Bd7 a4
06/01|00:00:09| 230936| +9| Rfc1 Ne6 Bh4 Bd7 Ne5 a5 Nxd7 Qxd7
07/01|00:00:21| 533246| +9| Rfc1 Ne6 Bh4 Bd7 Ne5 a5 Nxd7 Qxd7
08/01|00:01:14| 1894847| +6| Rfc1 Ne6 Bh4 b6 a4 Bb7 b4 a5
08/09|00:02:00| 3074104|n/s: 25617
move-gen:1306984 eval:1272076 e/s:10600 ab-nodes:816025
ab-move-gen:128906 tt-hits:44225 tt-cutoffs:28386 ab-bf:6.330
CCR 1 Hr #5 - 5 ... e5!
02/01|00:00:00| 178| -12| Nc6 Nf3
02/03|00:00:00| 477| -10| Bg4 Be2
03/01|00:00:00| 2376| -12| Bg4 Bb5+ c6 f3
03/03|00:00:00| 2935| -7| Nc6 Bb5 Bd7
04/01|00:00:00| 4560| -14| Nc6 Bb5 Bd7 Nf3
04/03|00:00:01| 12510| -12| Bg4 f3 Bh5 Bf4
04/05|00:00:01| 17318| -9| e6 Bg5 Bb4 Ne2
05/01|00:00:02| 39767| -8| e6 e5 Nfd7 Bb5 Bb4
06/01|00:00:07| 128921| -9| e6 Bg5 Be7 Nf3 O-O Bc4
06/06|00:00:19| 389673| -7| e5 Nf3 exd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 Bb4 Bb5+ Bd7
07/01|00:00:46| 956291| -7| e5 Be3 Nc6 Bb5 Bd7 dxe5 Nxe5 Nf3 Bxb5 Nxe5
08/01|00:01:46| 2225996| -21| e5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 Ng4 Nd5 Kd7 Bb5+ c6 e6+ fxe6
08/03|00:02:00| 2513515|n/s: 20945
move-gen:1162535 eval:880316 e/s:7335 ab-nodes:1113435
ab-move-gen:180368 tt-hits:69992 tt-cutoffs:29508 ab-bf:6.173
CCR 1 Hr # 6 - 5 ... Bxc3+!
02/01|00:00:00| 143| +43| Ba5 Nf3
02/05|00:00:00| 275| +51| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6
03/01|00:00:00| 911| +45| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4 Qc2
03/03|00:00:00| 1650| +47| Bd6 Ne4 Nxe4 Qxe4
03/05|00:00:00| 2604| +50| Ba5 Nf3 Nc6
04/01|00:00:00| 4385| +44| Ba5 Nf3 Bxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6
04/05|00:00:00| 7178| +47| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4 Qc2 d5 cxd5 exd5
05/01|00:00:01| 13831| +43| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6 Bg5 h6 Bh4
06/01|00:00:02| 39713| +43| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4 Qc2 Qh4 e3 Nc6
07/01|00:00:08| 156489| +39| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4 Qc2 d5 Be3 Nd6 cxd5 exd5
07/03|00:00:14| 270290| +40| Bd6 Nf3 c5 Nb5 Be7 Bg5 d6
08/01|00:00:44| 918088| +36| Bd6 Nb5 Be7 Bf4 d6 O-O-O Bd7 Nc3
08/03|00:00:54| 1136147| +40| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4 Qc2 d5 cxd5 exd5 Bf4 Nc6 Nf3
09/01|00:01:51| 2341802| +38| Bxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6 Bf4 d5 O-O-O dxc4 Qxc4 Nd5 Nh3 Bd7
09/03|00:02:00| 2525147|n/s: 21042
move-gen:1205133 eval:877166 e/s:7309 ab-nodes:1223992
ab-move-gen:221312 tt-hits:83992 tt-cutoffs:49696 ab-bf:5.531
CCR 1 Hr #7 - 12 ... Rfb8!
02/01|00:00:00| 364| -98| Rfb8 e4
03/01|00:00:00| 1884| -96| Rfb8 e4 Bb7
04/01|00:00:00| 5475| -98| Rfb8 e4 Bb7 a4
05/01|00:00:02| 36112| -96| Rfb8 e4 Bb7 a4 Qc7
06/01|00:00:10| 248370| -100| Rfb8 Rb1 Qb7 e4 Bc4 a4
06/13|00:00:23| 585737| -97| Bc4 e4 Rfb8 Nd2 Bd3 Nf3
07/01|00:00:32| 813831| -97| Bc4 e4 Rfb8 a4 e6 dxe6 Bxe6 Ra3
08/01|00:01:35| 2547419| -98| Bc4 e4 Rfb8 a4 Bb3 Qd3 e6 Bf4 exd5 exd5
08/10|00:02:00| 3190046|n/s: 26583
move-gen:1296898 eval:1173017 e/s:9775 ab-nodes:818553
ab-move-gen:131737 tt-hits:29387 tt-cutoffs:16330 ab-bf:6.214
CCR 1 Hr #8 - 6 d5!
02/01|00:00:00| 386| +10| O-O Nc6
03/01|00:00:00| 2860| +8| O-O cxd4 Qxd4 Nc6
04/01|00:00:00| 7207| +6| O-O cxd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qe3
05/01|00:00:01| 21106| -4| O-O cxd4 Qxd4 Bc5 Qe5 O-O
05/08|00:00:03| 67463| -3| Be3 cxd4 Bxd4 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+ Bxc3 O-O
06/01|00:00:11| 223729| +2| Be3 cxd4 Bxd4 Nc6 O-O Nxd4 Qxd4 Bc5
07/01|00:00:25| 518212| -3| Be3 cxd4 Bxd4 Bb4+ Nc3 Nc6 O-O Nxd4 Qxd4 O-O
08/01|00:02:00| 2536683|n/s: 21139
move-gen:1271933 eval:1000242 e/s:8335 ab-nodes:855828
ab-move-gen:149262 tt-hits:43139 tt-cutoffs:21196 ab-bf:5.734
CCR 1 Hr #9 - 9 ... Nd4!
02/01|00:00:00| 312| +40| Nb4 Nd3
03/01|00:00:00| 1832| -176| Nb4 a3 Nbxd5 cxd5
03/02|00:00:00| 2649| -37| Nd4 Bxd4 exd4 Qxd4
03/06|00:00:00| 3517| +44| Ne7 Nd3 Bd7
04/01|00:00:00| 4810| +39| Ne7 Nd3 Bd7 Be2
05/01|00:00:01| 16074| +36| Ne7 Be2 b6 O-O Bb7
06/01|00:00:03| 63264| +33| Ne7 Bd3 c6 O-O cxd5 cxd5 Bd7
07/01|00:00:10| 220226| +31| Ne7 Bd3 b6 O-O Bb7 Nb3 c5
08/01|00:00:23| 516150| +30| Ne7 Bd3 b6 O-O Bb7 Nb3 c5 Bf2
08/02|00:02:00| 2644328|n/s: 22036
move-gen:1128177 eval:823396 e/s:6861 ab-nodes:1187953
ab-move-gen:210237 tt-hits:57681 tt-cutoffs:33473 ab-bf:5.651
CCR 1 Hr #10 - 11 a4!
02/01|00:00:00| 223| +1| a4 Bd7
03/01|00:00:00| 1530| +3| a4 Bd7 Bc4
04/01|00:00:00| 4364| +2| a4 Bd7 a5 b6 axb6 Qxb6
05/01|00:00:01| 18560| +2| a4 Bd7 a5 b6 axb6 Qxb6
06/01|00:00:04| 97579| +0| a4 b6 Bd3 Bg4 Be2 Bxe2 Qxe2
07/01|00:00:16| 363048| +2| a4 b6 Bd3 Bg4 Nf3 c4 Bc2
08/01|00:00:39| 958835| +1| a4 b6 Bd3 Bb7 Nf3 c4 Bxc4 Nxe4 Bd2 Nxd2 Qxd2
09/01|00:02:00| 2902627|n/s: 24188
move-gen:1272406 eval:958941 e/s:7991 ab-nodes:979802
ab-move-gen:173023 tt-hits:56757 tt-cutoffs:29943 ab-bf:5.663
CCR 1 Hr #11 - 3 ... d5!
02/01|00:00:00| 149| +58| exf4 Bc4
03/01|00:00:00| 938| +55| exf4 d3 g5
04/01|00:00:00| 2622| +48| exf4 d3 g5 Nf3
05/01|00:00:01| 8326| +49| exf4 d3 g5 Nf3 h6
06/01|00:00:02| 29652| +47| exf4 d3 g5 e5 Qe7 Nf3
07/01|00:00:06| 100652| +43| exf4 d3 g5 h4 Bh6 Nge2 gxh4 Nxf4
08/01|00:00:47| 884921| +26| exf4 Qf3 Bb4 e5 Qe7 Qxf4 Bxc3 bxc3 O-O Bb2
09/01|00:02:00| 2271014|n/s: 18925
move-gen:1067225 eval:783450 e/s:6528 ab-nodes:1055901
ab-move-gen:194106 tt-hits:79064 tt-cutoffs:41023 ab-bf:5.440
CCR 1 Hr #12 - 6 Bxf7+!
02/01|00:00:00| 89| +4| Bf4 Ngf6
03/01|00:00:00| 1003| +11| Bf4 Ngf6 Nc3
04/01|00:00:00| 2928| +3| Bf4 Ngf6 Nc3 O-O
04/36|00:00:01| 13522| +4| Nf5 Bf6 O-O Ne7 Nxe7 Bxe7
05/01|00:00:02| 39392| -3| Nf5 Ne5 Bb5+ c6 Nxe7 Nxe7 Ba4
05/02|00:00:03| 47833| +9| O-O Ngf6 Nc3 Ne5 Be2
05/35|00:00:04| 80372| +381| Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ne6 Qe8 Nxc7 Qd8 Nxa8
06/01|00:00:05| 94985| +385| Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ne6 Ngf6 Nxd8+ Rxd8 Nc3 Re8
07/01|00:00:07| 147592| +388| Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ne6 Ngf6 Nxd8+ Rxd8 O-O Nc5 f3
08/01|00:00:17| 378240| +388| Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ne6 Ngf6 Nxd8+ Bxd8 Qf3 Nc5 Nc3 Bd7
09/01|00:00:51| 1169902| +388| Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ne6 Ngf6 Nxd8+ Rxd8 O-O Ne5 Bf4 Bg4 Qe1
10/01|00:02:00| 2938637|n/s: 24488
move-gen:880483 eval:307980 e/s:2566 ab-nodes:2013193
ab-move-gen:286477 tt-hits:182351 tt-cutoffs:137384 ab-bf:7.027
CCR 1 Hr #13 - AVOID 5 ... Nxe4 ??
02/01|00:00:00| 116| +241| Nxe4 Bf4
03/01|00:00:00| 1495| +240| Nxe4 Qf3+ Nf6 Nc3
04/01|00:00:01| 7324| +235| Nxe4 Bc4+ Ke7 O-O Nc6
05/01|00:00:03| 47198| +14| Nxe4 Qh5+ Ke6 Qg4+ Kd5 c4+ Kxd4 Be3+ Ke5 Qf4+ Ke6 Qxe4+ Kf7
05/03|00:00:04| 62199| +163| Bg4 f3 Be6 Bb5 Be7
06/01|00:00:08| 141691| +158| Bg4 f3 Bh5 Bc4+ Ke7 Nc3 Nc6
07/01|00:00:19| 338884| +159| Bg4 f3 Be6 Bd3 Be7 O-O Nc6
08/01|00:00:55| 1053086| +151| Bg4 f3 Be6 Bd3 Be7 d5 Bd7 O-O
08/08|00:02:00| 2234411|n/s: 18620
move-gen:1030263 eval:819948 e/s:6832 ab-nodes:1097843
ab-move-gen:212688 tt-hits:45317 tt-cutoffs:24889 ab-bf:5.162
CCR 1 Hr #14 - AVOID 6 ... Nxc4 ??
02/01|00:00:00| 202| +35| Nxc4 Re1+ Be7 Qxc4
03/01|00:00:00| 2555| +43| Nxc4 Qxc4 d5 Qd4
04/01|00:00:00| 8973| +42| Nxc4 Qxc4 Be7 Bf4 Nc6
05/01|00:00:02| 46765| +43| Nxc4 Qxc4 d5 Qb5+ c6 Re1+ Be7 Qd3
06/01|00:00:05| 106480| -71| Nxc4 Re1+ Be7 Qxg7 Rf8 Bh6 Ne5 Qxe5
06/02|00:00:08| 177391| +24| Nc6 Re1+ Ne7 Bd5 Nf5 Qe4 Nd6
06/10|00:00:11| 255104| +25| f6 Re1+ Be7 Bd5 Nf5 Qe4 Nd6
07/01|00:00:22| 506857| +23| f6 Bd5 Nc6 Bxc6 dxc6 Nc3 Bf5 Re1+ Be7
08/01|00:00:46| 1078314| +25| f6 Re1+ Be7 Bd5 c6 Bf4 Nf5 Qe4 d6
09/01|00:01:54| 2781739| +24| f6 Re1+ Be7 Bd5 Nc6 Qg4 g6 Qf4 f5 Bxc6 dxc6
09/02|00:02:00| 2907889|n/s: 24232
move-gen:1079783 eval:583113 e/s:4859 ab-nodes:1588224
ab-move-gen:241960 tt-hits:144983 tt-cutoffs:104242 ab-bf:6.564
CCR 1 Hr #15 - 12 exf6 !
02/01|00:00:00| 1162| -15| Qxb3 Nxe4 Qd1 dxe5 Qxd8 Raxd8 Nxe5
03/01|00:00:00| 3886| -14| Qxb3 Nxe4 exd6 Bxd6 Nbd2
04/01|00:00:01| 18374| -14| Qxb3 Nxe4 exd6 Nxd6 Ne5 Bh5
05/01|00:00:03| 61628| -13| Qxb3 Nxe4 exd6 Bxd6 Nbd2 Nxd2 Nxd2
06/01|00:00:09| 215842| -15| Qxb3 Nxe4 Qd1 dxe5 Qxd8 Raxd8 Nxe5 Bh5
07/01|00:00:31| 791034| -12| Qxb3 Nxe4 exd6 Bxd6 Nbd2 Nxd2 Nxd2 Re8 Qd5
08/01|00:01:04| 1680385| -14| Qxb3 Nxe4 exd6 Bxd6 Nbd2 Nxd2 Nxd2 Re8 Bd4 Qd7
08/04|00:01:27| 2348506| +19| exf6 Nxa1 fxe7 Qxe7 Nbd2 d5 Qxa1 dxe4 Bd4
09/01|00:01:53| 3036957| +68| exf6 Nxa1 fxe7 Qxe7 Nbd2 Bxf3 gxf3 b4 Qxa1 bxc3 bxc3
09/02|00:02:00| 3236982|n/s: 26974
move-gen:1268815 eval:781868 e/s:6515 ab-nodes:1149198
ab-move-gen:184044 tt-hits:101386 tt-cutoffs:69761 ab-bf:6.244
CCR 1 Hr #16 - 7 ... d5!
02/01|00:00:00| 585| +36| Bd6 Be3
02/07|00:00:00| 847| +42| exd4 Nxd4 Bb7
03/01|00:00:00| 3137| +25| exd4 Bd5 f5 Bxc6 dxc6 Nxd4
04/01|00:00:01| 10746| +24| exd4 Bd5 Nf6 Bxc6 dxc6 Nxd4
05/01|00:00:02| 46643| +24| exd4 Bd5 Nf6 Bxc6 dxc6 Nxd4
06/01|00:00:09| 183886| +26| exd4 Bd5 Nf6 Re1+ Be7 Bxc6 dxc6 Nxd4
07/01|00:00:27| 591777| +22| exd4 Re1 f5 Bd5 Bb7 Nxd4 Qh4 Nxc6 Bxc6 Bxc6 dxc6
08/01|00:01:31| 1985263| +13| exd4 Re1 f5 Bd5 Bc5 Bxe4 fxe4 Rxe4+ Kf8
08/18|00:02:00| 2617741|n/s: 21814
move-gen:1090995 eval:650156 e/s:5417 ab-nodes:1172566
ab-move-gen:219647 tt-hits:60109 tt-cutoffs:33558 ab-bf:5.338
CCR 1 Hr #17 - AVOID 18 hxg4 ??
02/01|00:00:00| 124| +299| hxg4 hxg4
03/01|00:00:00| 396| +292| hxg4 hxg4 Nh2
04/01|00:00:00| 1582| +285| hxg4 hxg4 Nh2 Nf6
05/01|00:00:00| 8077| +287| hxg4 hxg4 Ne1 Nf6 Nc3 Be7
06/01|00:00:01| 26744| +293| hxg4 hxg4 Ne1 Nf6 Nc3 Be7 Nd3
07/01|00:00:02| 45187| +293| hxg4 hxg4 Ne1 Nf6 Nc3 Be7 Nd3
08/01|00:00:04| 98451| +236| hxg4 hxg4 Ne1 Qh4 f3 gxf3 Qxf3 O-O-O
09/01|00:01:04| 1414826| +46| hxg4 hxg4 Re1 gxf3 Qxf3 Qh4 Kf1 Nf6 Nc3 O-O-O
09/02|00:01:24| 1918371| +73| Nc3 Bxf3 Qxf3 Nf6 d3 Be7 Bg5 Rb8 b3
10/01|00:02:00| 2726633|n/s: 22721
move-gen:1065962 eval:766157 e/s:6384 ab-nodes:1730448
ab-move-gen:273385 tt-hits:111969 tt-cutoffs:65479 ab-bf:6.330
CCR 1 Hr #18 - 7 bxf6 !
02/01|00:00:00| 331| +21| Nxc6 bxc6 Bc4
03/01|00:00:00| 1822| +15| Nxc6 bxc6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Bc4
04/01|00:00:00| 6922| +21| Nxc6 bxc6 Qf3 Be7 O-O-O
05/01|00:00:01| 24118| +15| Nxc6 bxc6 Bc4 Rb8 Bxf6 Qxf6 Bb3
06/01|00:00:05| 95104| +15| Nxc6 bxc6 Bc4 Be7 Qd2 h6 Bh4
07/01|00:00:22| 475331| +16| Nxc6 bxc6 Qd2 Bg4 f3 Bh5 O-O-O Rc8
08/01|00:01:29| 1972571| +15| Nxc6 bxc6 Qd3 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Bg4 Be2
08/06|00:02:00| 2657537|n/s: 22146
move-gen:1201101 eval:807988 e/s:6733 ab-nodes:1251388
ab-move-gen:205568 tt-hits:82352 tt-cutoffs:44986 ab-bf:6.087
CCR 1 Hr #19 - 10 Bxe6 !
02/01|00:00:00| 404| +38| Bf4 O-O
02/05|00:00:00| 1309| +48| a4 e5
03/01|00:00:00| 4598| +42| a4 b4 Na2
04/01|00:00:01| 10569| +31| a4 b4 Na2 O-O Nxb4 Nxe4
04/03|00:00:01| 22386| +37| Bd2 O-O a4 e5
05/01|00:00:03| 75043| +35| Bd2 O-O a4 b4 Nce2
05/02|00:00:06| 147498| +40| Bg5 b4 Bxf6 Bxf6 Ba4+ Nd7 Bxd7+ Qxd7
06/01|00:00:22| 585760| +33| Bg5 b4 Bxf6 Bxf6 Ba4+ Nd7 Bxd7+ Qxd7 Nb1
06/10|00:00:40| 989513| +34| Qf3 Nbd7 a4 b4 Na2 Ne5
07/01|00:01:12| 1748296| +33| Qf3 b4 Ba4+ Nfd7 Nce2 e5 Nf5 O-O Nxe7+ Qxe7
07/14|00:02:00| 2971088|n/s: 24759
move-gen:1128841 eval:839911 e/s:6999 ab-nodes:830489
ab-move-gen:130099 tt-hits:44724 tt-cutoffs:23848 ab-bf:6.384
CCR 1 Hr #20 - 8 Nd4-b5 !
02/01|00:00:00| 339| +20| O-O d6
02/36|00:00:00| 1338| +22| Nxc6 dxc6 O-O
03/01|00:00:00| 3483| +16| Nxc6 Nxc6 O-O Bb4
03/25|00:00:00| 6197| +19| Nf3 d6 O-O
03/36|00:00:00| 7761| +21| O-O Nxd4 Bxd4 d6
04/01|00:00:01| 11439| +18| O-O d6 Nxc6 Nxc6 Bc4
05/01|00:00:02| 36734| +18| O-O d6 Bg5 Bd7 Bc4
06/01|00:00:09| 195138| +14| O-O d6 Bg5 Bd7 Nxc6 Nxc6 Bc4
06/15|00:00:20| 414222| +17| Qd2 Nxd4 Bxd4 Nc6 O-O-O Nxd4 Qxd4 d6
06/30|00:00:25| 525430| +313| Ndb5 axb5 Nxb5 Qa5+ Bd2 Qb6 Nd6+ Kd8 Nxf7+ Ke8 Nxh8 Qxb2
07/01|00:00:29| 608168| +313| Ndb5 axb5 Nxb5 Qa5+ Bd2 Qb6 Nd6+ Kd8 Nxf7+ Ke8 Nxh8 Qxb2
08/01|00:00:38| 824160| +315| Ndb5 axb5 Nxb5 Qa5+ Bd2 Qb6 Nd6+ Kd8 Nxf7+ Ke8 Nxh8 Qxb2 Bc4
09/01|00:01:02| 1383906| +308| Ndb5 axb5 Nxb5 Qa5+ Bd2 Qb6 Nd6+ Kd8 Nxf7+ Ke8 Nxh8 Qxb2 Bc4 d6
10/01|00:02:00| 2811854|n/s: 23432
move-gen:909202 eval:346163 e/s:2884 ab-nodes:1690747
ab-move-gen:271861 tt-hits:114737 tt-cutoffs:81518 ab-bf:6.219
CCR 1 Hr #21 - AVOID 11 ... Kxe6 ??
02/01|00:00:00| 1473| +0| Kxe6 Qd5+ Kf5 Qe4+ Ke6 Qd5+
03/01|00:00:00| 4144| +0| Kxe6 Qd5+ Kf5 Qe4+ Ke6 Qd5+
04/01|00:00:01| 14795| +0| Kxe6 Qd5+ Kf5 Qe4+ Ke6 Qd5+
05/01|00:00:01| 33081|-M6 | Kxe6 Qd5+ Kf5 g4+ Kxg4 Rg1+ Kh5 Qd1+ Rf3 Qxf3+ Kh4 Bg5+
05/02|00:00:02| 48035| -576| Bxe5 Nxd8+ Kg7 Bd4 Bxd4 Qxd4+ Nf6
05/03|00:00:03| 73093| -362| Nc6 Nxd8+ Nxd8 Qd5+ e6 Qf3+ Kg8 Qe4
05/13|00:00:04| 88219| -293| dxe6 Qxd8 Nc6 Qd3 Nxe5
06/01|00:00:05| 113328| -298| dxe6 Qxd8 Nc6 Qd2 Nxe5 O-O Nf6
07/01|00:00:10| 222163| -300| dxe6 Qxd8 Nc6 Qd2 Nxe5 O-O-O Nf6 Bd4
08/01|00:00:22| 512731| -299| dxe6 Qxd8 Nc6 Qd2 Bxe5 O-O Nf6 f4 Bc7
09/01|00:01:04| 1500514| -300| dxe6 Qxd8 Nc6 Qd2 Bxe5 O-O Nf6 Bg5 a5 Rad1
10/01|00:02:00| 2748923|n/s: 22907
move-gen:1063995 eval:493209 e/s:4110 ab-nodes:1475584
ab-move-gen:269363 tt-hits:80819 tt-cutoffs:57489 ab-bf:5.478
CCR 1 Hr #22 - 11 a4 !
02/01|00:00:00| 133| +11| O-O O-O-O
02/09|00:00:00| 1029| +23| Be5 Ne4 Bxe4 dxe4
03/01|00:00:00| 2398| +23| Be5 Ne4 Bxe4 dxe4
04/01|00:00:01| 10494| +30| Be5 Nc4 Bxf6 gxf6 Bxc4 dxc4
05/01|00:00:03| 51413| +34| Be5 h6 Bxf6 gxf6 O-O O-O-O
06/01|00:00:07| 149312| +32| Be5 Bb5 Bxb5+ Qxb5 Bxf6 gxf6 Nbd2 O-O-O
07/01|00:00:25| 548498| +31| Be5 Nc6 Bxf6 gxf6 O-O h6 Nbd2 O-O-O
08/01|00:01:15| 1678478| +24| Be5 Qd8 Bxf6 Qxf6 Ne5 h6 Nxd7 Kxd7 Bb5+ Nc6 O-O
08/11|00:02:00| 2632081|n/s: 21934
move-gen:1104025 eval:711036 e/s:5925 ab-nodes:1122732
ab-move-gen:177635 tt-hits:59087 tt-cutoffs:30444 ab-bf:6.320
CCR 1 Hr #23 - 7 Bxh7+ !
02/01|00:00:00| 335| -40| Bd2 Nc6
03/01|00:00:00| 4043| -41| Bd2 c5 Qg4
04/01|00:00:01| 10933| -40| Bd2 c5 Qh5 g6
05/01|00:00:02| 32435| -41| Bd2 Nc6 a3 Ba5 Nb5
06/01|00:00:07| 128216| -42| Bd2 c5 Qh5 g6 Qh4 Nb6
06/33|00:00:12| 236699| +51| Bxh7+ Kxh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Ng5 Bxc3+ bxc3 Nf6 exf6 Nc6 fxg7 Kxg7
07/01|00:00:21| 444458| +283| Bxh7+ Kh8 Qh5 Bxc3+ bxc3 Nf6 exf6 gxf6 Be4+ Kg8
08/01|00:00:43| 951683| +422| Bxh7+ Kh8 Qh5 Bxc3+ bxc3 Ng8 Bd3+ Nh6 Bxh6 Nf6 Bxg7+ Kxg7 Qg5+ Kh8 Qh6+ Kg8 Qxf6 Qxf6 exf6
09/01|00:01:16| 1851132| +448| Bxh7+ Kh8 Qh5 Bxc3+ bxc3 Ng8 Bd3+ Nh6 Bxh6 g6 Qf3 Rg8 Qxf7
10/01|00:02:00| 2783868|n/s: 23198
move-gen:826184 eval:298831 e/s:2490 ab-nodes:1698999
ab-move-gen:286516 tt-hits:147850 tt-cutoffs:75181 ab-bf:5.930
CCR 1 Hr #24 - 6 Nxe5 !
02/01|00:00:00| 522| +14| Be2 Bg7 Nxe5 Bxe2
03/01|00:00:00| 1973| +11| Be2 Bxf3 Bxf3 Bg7
03/03|00:00:00| 2857| +13| Bb5+ c6 Be2 Nxf3+ Bxf3 Bxf3 Qxf3 cxd5 exd5
04/01|00:00:01| 10664| +20| Bb5+ c6 dxc6 bxc6 Be2 Bg7 Nxe5 Bxe2
05/01|00:00:02| 32107| +25| Bb5+ c6 dxc6 Nxc6 Bxc6+ bxc6 O-O Bg7
06/01|00:00:10| 194758| +22| Bb5+ Nd7 O-O Bg7 Bd2 e5 Bc4
06/26|00:00:14| 266482| +108| Nxe5 Bxd1 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 Be2 c7+ Bxb5 cxd8=Q+ Rxd8 Nxb5 dxe5 Nxa7
07/01|00:00:17| 338089| +108| Nxe5 Bxd1 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 Be2 c7+ Bxb5 cxd8=Q+ Rxd8 Nxb5 dxe5 Nxa7
08/01|00:00:27| 539932| +129| Nxe5 Bxd1 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 a6 c7+ axb5 cxd8=Q+ Rxd8 Nxf7 Kxf7 Nxd1
09/01|00:00:48| 991478| +129| Nxe5 Bxd1 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 a6 c7+ axb5 cxd8=N Rxd8 Nxf7 Kxf7 Nxd1
10/01|00:01:33| 2001332| +129| Nxe5 Bxd1 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 a6 c7+ axb5 cxd8=Q+ Rxd8 Nxf7 Kxf7 Nxd1 Nf6 Nc3
10/26|00:02:00| 2617564|n/s: 21813
move-gen:962185 eval:699231 e/s:5826 ab-nodes:1302984
ab-move-gen:225832 tt-hits:133927 tt-cutoffs:97704 ab-bf:5.770
CCR 1 Hr #25 - AVOID 6 ... Qxb3 ??
02/01|00:00:00| 237| +45| Qxb3 axb3 Nxc6 Bxc6+ bxc6
03/01|00:00:00| 1642| -71| Qxb3 cxb7 Qxb7 Bxb7
03/04|00:00:00| 3240| +6| bxc6 Qc3 e6
04/01|00:00:01| 9455| -2| bxc6 Qc3 Nd5 Qe5
05/01|00:00:02| 34278| +5| bxc6 Qc3 e6 d4 Bb4
06/01|00:00:06| 125831| -2| bxc6 Qd3 e5 h3 Bh5 e4
07/01|00:00:20| 394436| +3| bxc6 Qd1 e5 Nf3 Nbd7 h3 Bh5
08/01|00:00:58| 1212239| -2| bxc6 Qc2 e5 h3 Bh5 e4 Bc5 d3
08/06|00:01:24| 1755584| +9| Nxc6 Qxb6 axb6 Nc3 Nb4 Rb1 Nxa2 Bxb7 Ra7 Bc6+ Nd7
09/01|00:02:00| 2521134|n/s: 21009
move-gen:1125750 eval:679371 e/s:5661 ab-nodes:1257885
ab-move-gen:239814 tt-hits:111466 tt-cutoffs:61954 ab-bf:5.245
search time : 00:50:02
total nodes : 67670433
nodes per second : 22541
ab-nodes : 30893464
ab-nodes per second : 10290
evaluations : 18953600
evaluations per second : 6313
move-generations : 27949593
ab-move-generations : 5244864
ttable-hits : 2107688
ttable-cutoffs : 1291854
ab-branching-factor : 5.890
Monday, June 17, 1996 7:43 PM